Účast členů CWRG na konferenci VIVA Africa

Ve dnech 15.-17. září proběhla na Univerzitě Karlově konference Viva Africa 2021, na které své příspěvky prezentovali také členové CWRG a to v těchto dvou panelech:

Socialist Expertise and Development in Africa: Czechoslovak and East German Perspectives

Chair: Eric Burton
• Jakub Mazanec: Taming Nkhrumah’s rivers – Activity of the Czechoslovak Hydroprojekt in Ghana
• Matyáš Borovský: Code name LITOMYŠL – Czechoslovak military experts in Qaddafisʼ Libya
• Jakob Marcks: Tanzania: GDR architects and the UN International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
• Barbora Menclová: The case of Alto Catumbela: Czechoslovak experts in socialist Angola

African Students in the Socialist Countries of Eastern Europe: Training, Politics, and Careers

Chair: Jan Koura
• Eric Burton: The pen and the gun. African liberation movements and two types of education in the socialist camp
• Constantin Katsakioris: Eastern bloc-trained Algerians: Studies, politics, and careers back home
• Mikuláš Pešta: Africans in the International Union of Students and Cold War Internationalism
• Immanuel R. Harisch: South-East Entanglements in the international labour movement: Africans at trade union colleges in Eastern Europe with a focus on East Germany during the Cold War 1960s

Celý program konference je dostupný zde.