Jaromír Mřnka


Research Interests

  • Modern Economic, Social and Cultural History
  • Czech Modern History
  • Theories and Methods in the Study of History
  • Society in dictatorship
  • Violence in Modern Society



Academic Posts

  • 2016–present: Researcher/Historian Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes


  • 2013–2017: Charles University, Prague, Modern Economic and Social History (2017, Ph.D., Politics and Social Practice of Collective Violence in Bohemian Lands 1944–1946)
  • 2015–2016: Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, East European History (2015–2016, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies)
  • 2014 Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta – Hospodářské a sociální dějiny – rigorózní zkouška


Academic Honors, Fellowships

  • Collegium Carolinum – Research Institute for the History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, Munich 2014, Visiting Fellow
  • LMU, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, Munich/Regensburg 2015–2016, DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service, Visiting Research Fellow

Papers, Lectures, Posters

  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. A Stubborn Periphery. Everyday life of KSČ-Dictatorhip and Czech Borderlands 1945-1960. Bremen, 2017.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. Swept away by a Rage of the People. Public Acts of Collective Violence in the Bohemian Lands 1938-1945. Prague, 2016.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. Kollektive Gewalt in Böhmischen Länder 1935–1955. Hamburg, 2016.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. The Bloody End of War. Collective Violence as Politics, Culture and Social Practice in the Czech Lands during 1945. CEVRO Institut, Vysoká škola, Prague, 2015.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. Crucial Events – Critical Experience – Radical Action. Was the Society of the Czech Lands radicalized by experiences of crisis and war during 1930’s and 1940’s?. Bielefeld, 2015.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. Hegemony of ‘Dutiful Work’. (Trans-) Formation of hegemonic Discourses and Post-war Czech Society between Nationalism and Socialism 1945-1960. Regensburg, 2015.

Current Research Projects

  • Czech Science Foundation GA ČR, GJ15-19437Y, Cesta k technokratickému socialismu: Politika a koncepty řízení společnosti v Československu (1953–1975) External Researcher, Technocratic thought in Czechoslovak Agriculture
  • Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes Udavačství jako sociální praxe / Informing as Social Practice, Principal Researcher

Teaching Experience

  • Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts – Institute for Economic and Social History: 2013–present, External Lecturer. Courses: Economic and Social History since 1945 (bachelor); Historiography (bachelor); Methodology of Social History (master) o East and Central European Studies, program for exchange students (USA);
  • Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts: 2017–present, Professor of History Courses: Czechs in the Age of Extremes, Czech Society between Nationalism and Dictatorship in the long 20th Century

Main Publications


  • MRŇKA, Jaromír, Limity lidskosti, Politika a sociální praxe kolektivního násilí v českých zemích 1944–1946 [Limits of Humanity, Politics and Social Practice of Collective Violence in Bohemian Lands 1944–1946] –planned publication, 2018.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír, Svéhlavá periferie, Každodennost diktatury KSČ na příkladu Šumperska a Zábřežska 1945–1960 [Stubborn Periphery, Everyday Life of KSČ-Dictatorship as illustrated by Šumperk and Zábřeh Regions 1945–1960], Praha 2015, 218 p.

Articles and Contributions in Collective Monograph

  • MRŇKA, Jaromír. “V naší zemi bude konec války psán krví.” Kolektivní násilí roku 1945 v českých zemích jako politika, kultura a sociální praxe, [“In our land, the end of the war will be written by blood.” Collective Violence of the year 1945 in Bohemian Lands as politics, culture and social practice] in: Střed/Centre, Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Vol. 2/2016, p. 66–91. ISSN 1803-9243.
  • MRŇKA, Jaromír, Mládež nová, mládež Gottwaldova? Období poloviny šedesátých let a obrodný proces v Československu jako generační zlom [New Youth, Gottwald’s Youth? The Middle of 1960’s and Social Renewal in Czechoslovakia as a Generational Break], in: Předjaří, Československo 1963–1967 [Early Spring, Czechoslovakia 1963–1967], PETRÁŠ, J. – SVOBODA, L., Eds., Praha 2016, s. 154–164.