Workshops & Conferences

Reconsidering the Cold War: New Approaches, Methodologies and Theories


International workshop focused on actual approaches in a research of the Cold War. Speakers: Frank Gerits (Utrecht University), Natalia Telepneva (University of Warwick) and Jan Koura (Charles University). The workshop was co-financed by Progress Q09.

Programme Reconsidering the Cold War


Labour Migration between East and West: Guest Workers in Europe from the 1960s to the 1980s


International workshop focused on labour migration. Co-organizer: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů.

Programme Labour Migration


Inventing the Enemy: Denunciation and Terror in Stalin’s Russia

Semminar with professor Wendy Goldman (Carnegie Mellon University). Co-organizer: Spolek studentů historie FF UK.


Eastern Bloc and the Cold War in the Third World


International workshop focused on Cold War relations between Eastern Block states and the Third World. International speakers: Przemysław Gasztold (Institute of National Remembrance / War Studies University Warsaw), Corina Mavrodin (European University Institute), Lorena De Vita (Utrecht University).

Programme Eastern Bloc and the Cold War in the Third World